Vélar og verkfæri ehf. is a wholesaler and specialty store with door and window equipment, safety equipment, bathroom products and tools. The company has been in operation for over 100 years and serves many of the larger companies in the construction sector, craftsmen and individuals in Iceland.

Vélar & Verkfæri starfrækir 3 vefverslanir


A large selection of beautiful and high-quality design products for homes and businesses, including designs designed by Arne Jacobsen.


A powerful key workshop offering everything from individual combi window stay to electrically controlled access systems for the largest buildings in Iceland.


We serve both professionals workers and home owners. Only high-quality and durable tools that are suitable for those who make high demands.

We place great emphasis on offering only reliable products and where good suppliers are paramount. The company has been in the same family since its inception in 1919.

Vélar og Verkfæri verða á stórsýningunni Verk og vit

Vélar og Verkfæri ehf taka þátt í stórsýningunni Verk og vit sem fer fram dagana 18.-21. apríl 2024 í Íþrótta- og sýningarhöllinni í Laugardal. Verk og vit er frábær vettvangur til að sjá allt það nýjasta í byggingariðnaði, mannvirkjagerð og skipulagsmálum og kynna sér spennandi vörur og þjónustu.